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More kit needed after record-breaking litter pick.

Following the record-breaking success of the last village litter pick, organisers have approached Streetwise for more much needed equipment.

Twenty large bin liners crammed with discarded cartons, bottles and wrappers along with tyres, tubs and other loose items, were collected by an enthusiastic team of West Leake inhabitants on the morning of Saturday 25th February.

Organisers, Alan Darby and Julie Bromell, recognised that as the size of the team expands, so does the need for additional little pickers, bags, hoops and reflective tabbards.

They have approached Magdalena Szykpowska at Streetwise (www., a division of Rushcliffe Borough Council, dedicated to helping ensure our environment is kept as attractive as possible. Streetwise encourages volunteer groups like we have in West Leake to assist in their own local communities.

Allan stated “We need more equipment, as our team of volunteers is growing. The price for an adult kit is around £50, so we trust that Streetwise will provide what's needed”.

It’s hoped that the additional resources will be available in time for the next village litter pick, on Saturday 27th May which we hope you are able to join in with, too. Each session lasts 2-hours at the most and not only improves the look of the village and its approach roads, but also builds on the strong community spirit that we have in West Leake.


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