Would you like to know more about the wildlife in your garden and around West Leake? Our idyllic countryside setting means there is plenty of potential for excellent wildlife spotting.
We are currently exploring the possibility of holding a series of FREE informal talks /workshops in the Village Hall to help you make the most of the nature that exists right here around you. Potential topics include : GARDEN BIRDS
Which species are you likely to see in your garden?
How can you identify them?
How can you attract new species into your garden?
How to make the most of your bird feeders.
Why do we need them?
Which species are you likely to see in your garden?
How can you identify them?
How can you attract new species into your garden?
What can you do to help conserve?
Which UK species might you see in West Leake?
Which species are in need of help?
How can you spot them?
What can you do to help conserve?
Which is a weed and which is a wild flower?
Which species can / should you grow in your garden?
What different types of fungus might you commonly see?
We need to know if you'd be interested. So if you click "like" on this post, it'll tell us that you'd like us to progress the project and that you might come along.
At the same time, we are actively seeking experts - to make this happen we are looking for local experts in each these areas. Are you or do you have have a contact for someone who might be able to assist?
If so, please contact Tim on 0781 0508791 to discuss matters further.